Greates Weekend!!! From Lincoln, To Neddles California, to Vegas!
Heeey guys, looong great weekend, what can I say, I had the greatest time!
Thursday after school we left with the bus to go to Needles California, for softballgames! There is about 5 hours to get there, so we had to leave the day before. We stoped the first time in Vegas, at the Galleria Mall, we just ate at wrap it up and I bought a shirt at Hot Topic, and then we kept on going to Needles! We arrived to Needles at like eleven, to the most grooose hotel. Me, Thea and Fnatty shared room! When we woke up we went to McDonalds for breakfast and then of to the varsity games in the 30 C° heat! Sunscreen on, and my day was all about suntanning!
Varisty lost the first game, and won the second game! We played at 2, and we won easily the first, and kinda easily the second, me and Thea both got to play a lot, and we both scored like four points each!:D We all got to meet Theas dad and stepmom, they are aweesome, so nice and easy to be around!!!
After the game me, Thea, Bryn, Kobe, Kailey, Kathy and Diane went to Vegas, we stayed at someones house there, and when we woke up on Saturday we went first to Starbucks to get coffee, and then to the mall again! Me and Thea were gonna be dropped of at the Startosphere so we could stay with her dad and stepmom until sunday, so we just did some necessary shopping, and then Kathy dropped us of at the strip!
We had lunch with Theas dad and stepmom, Jo and Lil Tove are their name, I loved them, they were just great, so nice and they talked and were awesome!:D
After that me and Thea went up to our room to get ready for a prom we were going to that night! It was a prom Mr Frehner set us up to go to! It was a school called Indian Spring in Vegas! Me and Thea got our dresses on and everything, and got down to the cab that was gonna take us to the house where we were gonna take pictures before the prom. After that we went to the prom, it was alrite, my date was an idiot tho:D haha so shyyyyy!!! His name was Brock... After the prom we went to a movie, FastFive, and then ”dinner”... After that they took us back to the Stratosphere were we stayed, and me and Thea went for a walk to the top, 109 stories up. The elevator took us 109 stories in 30 seconds, 21 miles/hours, my ears popped!!!:D
We walked around there, and around 2:30 we went and got some chips and went to our room and watched tv!
This morning we didn´t know what time Kathy was gonna pick us up to go back to Pioche, so we woke up at like 8 and went down to Starbucks for breakfast, haha after only like 4 hours of sleep we really needed coffee!
We sat at starbucks for a while, and then we went up to the 109 story again... This time not only for looking at the view... No, we went on a thing that spinned us around over Vegas, a craaazy thing!!! 109 stories up, spinning around in the air! I felt like I was flying! After that we went on a rollercoasterish thing that went straight out in the air, and I thought I was on my way to die everytime! It was waaay scary!! I have to show all of u a video of it!
After that we went home to Pioche and played basketball with JC, after a very very very good weekend!! That I enjoyed waaay muuuch!!!!!:D
för några månader sedan höll jag på att dö när jag gick över övergångsstället. lite oklart om bussen ville stanna eller inte men jag började spatsera över och plötsligt var jag halvt överkörd av en buss liksom! eller okej, kanske inte, men den vara bara typ 50 cm ifrån mig! jag trodde att min sista stund var kommen! det var allt kul som har hänt här.
du är min idol!!! jag vill också skriva en uppsats om svampbob!!!!!
Kära du vad hände med bilderna du lovade oss???