Oh yeaaaaaah guess who is going back to vegas?! Me me me!!!!!:) june 9th, thats When!!!!:) i Will finally see My lovely hostfamily and My bestest american friends again!!! Love love love My life!!!!!!!!:) <3
Tja, sorry förra inlägget skrev jag när jag va i Italien men blogg.se funkade inte då, så jag postade det nu!:)
Dagens minne blir en helg i december, eller en söndag rättare sagt! Grandma Graycie, som dog för bara 3 veckor sedan:( fyllde 80 år, och vi hade överraskningsfest för henne på Sullys, en restaurang i Cedar! Vi åkte dit och fixade och allt och vid 1600 var det fest! Hon blev så extremt överraskad! Minnet var dock inte från festen, utan efter checkade vi in på ett hotel i cedar, och jag och världens bästa Carli hade eget rum och hotellet låg mittemot 24 timmars öppna walmart och bredvid bion! Så vi började med bio och såg the tourist, så bra! Sen när vi kom ut började det hagla, så vi sprang till walmart och klockan var kanske 1 på natten, sen hängde vi på walmart och shoppade, hade kundvagnsrace och annat kul hela natten! Dagen efter var vi lite döda men shit va kul det va!!!:D Carli va världens bästa värdsyster, eller en av tre! Carli Jordan och Loni! Åh vad jag saknar alla i USA, minns denna helg extra mycket, för det var då jag och Carli verkligen klickade, innan det var det ngt av en halvstel stämning mellan oss, för vi gillade lite olika människor i skolan och så..:) Men nu är hon min bästa underbaraste finaste!
<3Carli Gene Phillips<3
Haha mitt i natten på walmart:) Min snygga blåtira syns fortf här!:)
Tja Tja, nu är jag i Italien, så det där med ett nytt minne varje dag kan vara svårt att hålla:)
Dagens minne blir nog när jag Pedro och Ronei, två utbytesstudenter från Brasilien, åkte till vattenfallet! Gerri, min hostmom skulle ner till Panaca där skolan låg och hjälpa till med ngt, så jag hängde på. Jag gick sedan och träffade Ronei och Pedro hemma hos Roneis värdfamilj. Efter att vi tittat på lite olika musikvidoesar, då de var musiknördar, fick vi plötsligt för oss att vi skulle åka och kolla om det verkligen låg ett vattenfall utanför Panaca som alla sa, det var ju i öknen liksom... Pete, Roneis hostdad sa att det skulle ta ungefär 1 timme att komma dit med fyrhjulingen, och vi hade bara en, så vi skulle få åka tre på samma...Plus att det inte fanns ngn telefon täckning därute:) Men vi skulle ju för fasen se det där vattenfallet så vi åkte! Redan efter tio minuter börjar det göra ont att sitta på fyrhjulingens hårda galler så vi stannar vid en grotta, där ska Ronei och Pedro skoja med mig, så de åker vidare utan mig:) Sen kom de tillbaka:) Efter en lång färd kommer vi dit Pete sa att vi skulle bli tvungna att lämna fyrhjulingen, för att gå. Marken där är alldeles blöt och det första jag ser är en orm! Och jag hade bara tofflor på mig! kändes astryggt!!!:) haha men vi hade kommit såhär långt var det dumt att vända, så vi började gå! Och efter kanske en kvarts promenad i nedför och uppförs backar hittade vi det tillslut!!!!:) Och ingen blev ormbiten, dock jäääkligt insektsbiten av de insekter som va vid vattenfallet!! Vattenfallet var verkligen skitcoolt!!! Sånt där man inte ser varje dag liksom:) Sen när vi åkte tillbaka kom jag på att jag kanske skulle ha sagt till Gerri att jag åkte dit, men hon hade inte ringt på hela tiden, så allt va lugnt, det var ju ändå vår area coordinator, alltså huvudansvariga, som lät oss åka!:)
Eftersom jag ändå inte kan sova kan jag ju börja med minnen nu! Det första jag kom att tänka på är hur smeknamnen för mig och Bailey kom till! Bailey Jo Free blev till Bailey Hoe Screwed efter en helg i Vegas, hur? Jo rimmar på Hoe och var jävligt mkt roligare att säga så då började det med att jag kallade henne BaiHoe, sen var vi på en softball turnering i Vegas och sov på Boulder Station hotel, jag Jaycee och Bailey går runt och dör av skratt åt allt, så frågar jag Jaycee vad motsatsen av Free är, och världens bästa Jayc tänker lite och säger sen, Screwed!:) hahaha så då blev det Bai Hoe Screwed! Något vi alla anamade som hennes riktiga namn. :)
Mitt smeknamn blev Bozzella, hemskt, ingen fick kalla mig för det!:) Så självklart gjorde alla det. Vi sitter i Mr Walkers klassrum och tittar på marchmadness, vilket betyder att vi inte har skola utan tittar på college basketturneringen istället! Vi satt och hejade och skrek! Dominiq Bozzeli sitter längst bak, han är ett mobboffer som är väääldigt konstig!!!:) När jag skriker ngt är Brooke på väg att säga något till Bozzeli, men mitt i får hon för sig att skrika på mig, så mixen av våra namn blev Bozzella... Självklart var det mycket roligare att skrika på sidan av softball planen än Bella:) Så det blev det!
Ok, så nu har jag varit hemma ett halvår! Och det enda jag vill är att åka tillbaka! Jag saknar alla så extremt mycket, vänner och familj!
Vet inte vart jag ska börja, första veckan när jag kom hem var allt bara fullt upp, men ändå hann jag få in skype med alla i usa hela tiden så jag kände mer att de bara va tillfälligt jag var tvungen att va utan dem alla... Sen åkte jag till Sardinien och jobbade och hade det underbart, och tiden för att tänka så mkt fanns inte, det var kvällar med facebook när jag började sakna de alla oerhört!
Sen kom jag tillbaka till skolan, och helvetet bröt löst, det gick inte en dag utan att jag pratade med någon i lincoln åtminstonde på facebook chatten! Sen dess har det varit så... Jag kan inte sluta sakna dem alla.! Basketsäsongen där började för en månad sedan, och sen dess har det bara blivit värre! Jag sa att jag inte ville åka dit över julen nu, att jag skulle vänta till sommaren eller så, men fan, jag önskar jag åkt nu! Grejen är att det kommer vara värre när jag kommer tillbaka!
Min värdmormor dog igår, och jag skypeade med Jordan och Loni, allt kändes så nära, fast ändå så stört långt borta! När jag skypear med dem känns det som att jag inte varit borta från dem alls, men så är det ett halvt år sen jag såg dem sist! Jag kan inte titta på en tv serie som utspelar sig i Vegas utan att jag får en slags ångest som bara kan lugnas om jag får åka tillbaka! Kommer ihåg sista kvällen i Vegas, först var vi på walmart och jag gick runt med mina underbara värdsystrar, sen åkte vi till huset och jag kunde inte sluta gråta, jag gråter aldrig för att jag är ledsen och inte gjorde jag det då heller, då grät jag för att jag var tvungen att lämna något jag blivit så stört fäst vid! Morgonen när planet gick hade jag alla mina favoritmänniskor med på flygplatsen, min värdfamilj, och världens bästa vänner Jaycee och Brooke, och jaycees syrra Brynlee och deras mamma Kathy! Det var så svårt att säga hej då!!! Jaycees familj blev min extrafamilj hela året, hängde där en heeel del!
På flyget hem hade jag We belong together, från filmen the sisterhood of the traveling pants på hela tiden, för sista kvällen i Pioche, när jag packat klart hämtade Jaycee Brooke och Thea upp mig och vi körde bara runt runt gråtandes till den här sången, för var det ngt vi insåg så var det att we belong together! Ett till moment jag inte kan glömma är i Jaycees kök när jag sa hej då till Kourt och Bai, de var också två av mina bästa vänner, Bailey var världens bästa, vi hade något otroligt roligt jämnt och Kourtney var underbar, världens bästa människa! När jag sa hej då till dem dagen innan jag åkte till Vegas för att spendera sista dagen där kunde jag knappt andas, det var då det blev verklighet att jag skulle åka hem! Senare den kvällen fick jag chansen att träffa dem igen för vi skulle åka ngnstans, men jag kunde inte säga hejdå igen, så jag stannade hemma...
Och gud, när jag stog på flygplatsen och skulle säga hejdå till Loni, min 6 år gamla värdsyster, min bästa vän, vi spenderade så mkt tid tsm, gick promenader och köpte godis på tillies, åkte på fourwheeler rides, shoppade på walmart, lekte i trädgården, tittade på film, spelade in grejer på min videokamera på datorn... alltså det var hemskt, kunde inte släppa henne när jag kramade henne hej då, det var hemskaste ögonblicket i mitt liv!!!
Haha, det här va helgen innan jag åkte hem, sånt här var vår vardag och jag har aldrig haft lika kul som med de här människorna!
Hahahaha, när vi alla sov hos kourt helgen innan jag åkte!:(
Nej, från och med nu ska jag börja skriva minnen från Usa varje dag om jag hinner!
After a night with only 4 hours of sleep I am not in the happiest mood.. thats for sure... I just couldn´t go to sleep last night. Today there is school as usual, and then my plan is to come home and sleep.
Oh to make the time go last night I got pro at a game called space is key, fun game, or not but it is addicting! Try it.
Of to school now... hope everyones life is great! 16 days left in America... HORRIBLE!!! I don´t wanna leave for anything in the world...:(
Hahahahaha finally I took time to upload the video from the top of the Stratosphere! Me and Thea are the one yelling way loud, cuz it was waaaay scary!!!!!! Haha and aweesome!!!
Ahhh, haha I am now a Member of Lincoln County Honor Society! Oh yeah! Me and my brain:D haaha cuz it was really way hard to get there... or not:)
...For outstanding accomplishments and excellence in academic achivement... Yepp, thats why I got a medal as a proof of my membership! I will take pictures of my medal tomorrow, gotta sleep now:) But oh btw, I died laughing at the Honor Society banquette, cuz when JC was going to sit down, brookie pulled her chair back, so she fell on the ground, and everyone was laughing so hard at her!!:D Great times for sure!:D
Ahh today have been both a great day, and a horrible day! All the great times with my friends just gives me more to think back to when I am gone, but the fact that I am gonna be gone just is not working at all... I wanna cry, I can´t leave my homies and sisters... Hatty, Kourtie, Brookie, Jaycee, Baihoe you guys will forever be my sisters! We have a sisterhood noone, not even a distance can ever ruin!
And my 3 other sisters, that are my real sisters pretty much, Carli, Jordan and Loni, you mean more than chocolate to me:D haha and chocolate is a resource I need to survive! I love u long time!
Ahh, horrible day, or not like horrible, just sad! We didn´t really have school today, we got our yearbooks...:) It was cool, except some waaay ugly pictures of me haha, or at least one of them was way ugly!!!
We got them, and then we had yearbook signing the whole rest of the day...
That was the sad part... Some of the things I wrote to my sisters in school and what they all wrote to me was just horrible, cuz I have to leave them so soon... All the things we still plan to do, and now there will only be 2 more weekends we can be together, not only that cuz they are all gonna be gone next weekend:( It wont be fun at all to leave them, a lot of tears!
Next week is last week of school... and then graduation... Cap and gown on and we are graduating! Gonna be fun, but at the same time, thats gonna be when I say good Bye to some people...
Tonight there is an Honor thing, for all good students:) haha we will probably get an award or something for having good grades, will be fun:) Ok, gotta get ready!
Heeeeeey, of to school soon! I am actually excited:D We are getting our yearbooks today, and thats great! I have never had a yearbook before:) I am guranteed softballpage and basketballpage and my normal picture haha:) Ahh and then we get the whole time after lunch to sign them! Its gonna be epic.
Now I gotta get ready for school, I am actually not wearing sweats today:) So thats good mahaha, we are having poetryreading in english first period and I gotta read my poem, its a found poem, so you use parts from songs and things. I will post in on here later, probably tonight! Have a great day people!
So many things have happened and I just never have time to update...
Well, now I have half an hour or so before bed! Time is running out, my stay in America is almost over... But I can for sure say that the last weeks haven´t been bad at all, it has just been great! I enjoy every second!
Last I updated for real was when me and Thea were in Vegas for the weekend! The weekend after that we had softballgames and it was seniornight! And after that Softball was over for us!:) Haha didn´t love the sport, but I did love my team! Last week was Ronei and Barts birthdays, and a couple of other fun things! And this weekend I stayed home with my bestest hostfamily! Friday me and Jordan just went on rides with the 4wheeler and watched movies and suntanned! Saturday we didn´t do a lot and that afternoon I went to hang out with Sam who had this idea that she wanted to take pictures of me...:D haha
And Sunday we went down to Caliente and ate lunch with Carli and Madi, and then I went and helped JayceeHoe with math and then I went home and then we went to the gym and played some basketball!:D Love gymnights with Jaycee and Thea!!!! Gonna miss that so much!!!!
Today we had school and it was alrite:D haha i love my friends! First english and Alecs stupid poem about hpw his hand is a dolphin and Lacees basketball poem:D And then my favoriteclass, Algebra 1, with Bai, Hai, Jayc, Carli, Madi and Chelsea! Love them all so much! We have such great times in that class!!!!:D Then we had breakfast, it was as usual, then spanish, haha just played games on the computer, then showchoir where we are watching Hairspray! And then Algebra 2, where me and Hanni mess around, haha Mr Frehner said today that he cant let us out of class cuz we always come back chased by ten boys hahaha todays conversations in there where R rated haha, it was me Ryan Garret and Hanna discussing balls... hahaha fuuuun story!!!! mahaahaha
After that we had lucnh, and it was as usual! I ate powdered donuts, love em! then history and as usual MsCheeney was rude to me! And then PE in the library!!!:D:D:D:D Way chill:D After school I rode the bus home and then me Thea Jaycee and Jordan went up to the gym and played some basketball and then we went to Brynlees softball game! And now I am home, almost ready for bed!
Good night everyone!
One of the rides me and thea rode at the top of the stratosphere...! Haha i explained it in an earlier post!
me and Brock, my date on that prom me and Thea went to at Los Prados Country club in Vegas!
My two favoritest persons in the world!!!<3<3<3mooomyyyy and daddy<3 In San Diego!
Me Sister Daddy and sister at Laguna!!!:D
Paradise for sure!! Newport!!!
Waaay coool!!!!:) L.A babe!
Hoolllllywoood!!!! Sister, Daddy, Me and sister
Beverly Hills!!!!<3
Hollywood Bouleward!
Me and the love of my life!!!!! He kissed me!!!! Yeah, he really did!
Sata Monica! Haha sister, daddy Sister and me!!!
Venice Beach! Me and Sister played some bball by the beach! Sooo coool!!!
DisneyLand!!!!!! haha
On our way on Highway1!!! SO BEAAAUTIFULLLLL!!!<3
This California trip was probably the best of my life! I loved it so much and to see everything gosh it was great!!!
From Las Vegas, to Carlsbad to San Diego, to LA(hollywood, beverly hills you name it), to Santa Monica, Malibu, Santa Barbara, Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, the whole highway 1 up to San Francisco, back into Nevada, a night in Reno, and then the lonliest road in the world, Reno-Ely, and then to home, Pioche! Had 4 great days with my family in Pioche, got to show them everything and we went to my second state haha Utah, and I showed them my favorite Walmart haha Cedar Saint George! Haha Lincoln County, they got to swim in a hot spring in Panaca, they got to eat at the Brandin Iron, a restaurant in Caliente! They got to ride 4wheelers, it was just great!!!! And best of all, my two families got to know each other!!!:D My real one and my pretty much real one:D haha Love them both waaaay much!!!!!!!! Great times that I will never ever forget!<3
Haha, I know, it has been a while since I promised pictures from California:) But most of my readers have me on facebook and could see them there:) But here we go, pictures!
Alcatraz! The famous prison where people like Al Capone where prisoned!
Me and my bestest mom that I love long time!!! On the beach in the middle of San Francisco!
Me, Francesca Daddy and Sandra! Love u long time!
Oh yeah, they actually really have trams going up hill!!!:D So coool!!!
Hmm... Lets just say its scary how steap the hills are in S.F!:D waay cool!
Haha, u gotta park at 90 degrees, cuz ur breaks wont make it otherwise...
Waaay cool road, like with curves and things, and waay steap! Its in a lot of movies!
Coolest bridge ever, the Golden Gate bridge!
Same road as earlier:D
Me and my love, SpongeBob!
The Seals laying at Pier 39!
Pier 39 in San Francisco! haha a toursit place, but it was waay cool! It had a sockmarket, a store with just socks, and a lefthand store!!!:D haha so many cool places!
Francesca, Sandra me and mommy standing on the back of the car with Golden Gate in the background!:D
Ahhh how i loved San Francisco! It was a totally different America, like more modern! We had so much fun there! One day was moms birthday, so we had brownies in the morning haha and me and Sandra tried to light candles at the hotel, but then we didn´t cuz we were scared the firealarm would go off:D haha and then that night we went out for dinner at a restaurant down by Fishermans wharf!:D Ahh loved it all!
After San Francisco our California trip was pretty much over, it was the best ever! I loved it!!! Not everyone gets to ride San Diego-San Francisco on Highway 1 in there lifes, getting to see all the stuff we saw!! It was great and sooo much fun!!!!!!!!
Greates Weekend!!! From Lincoln, To Neddles California, to Vegas!
Heeey guys, looong great weekend, what can I say, I had the greatest time!
Thursday after school we left with the bus to go to Needles California, for softballgames! There is about 5 hours to get there, so we had to leave the day before. We stoped the first time in Vegas, at the Galleria Mall, we just ate at wrap it up and I bought a shirt at Hot Topic, and then we kept on going to Needles! We arrived to Needles at like eleven, to the most grooose hotel. Me, Thea and Fnatty shared room! When we woke up we went to McDonalds for breakfast and then of to the varsity games in the 30 C° heat! Sunscreen on, and my day was all about suntanning!
Varisty lost the first game, and won the second game! We played at 2, and we won easily the first, and kinda easily the second, me and Thea both got to play a lot, and we both scored like four points each!:D We all got to meet Theas dad and stepmom, they are aweesome, so nice and easy to be around!!!
After the game me, Thea, Bryn, Kobe, Kailey, Kathy and Diane went to Vegas, we stayed at someones house there, and when we woke up on Saturday we went first to Starbucks to get coffee, and then to the mall again! Me and Thea were gonna be dropped of at the Startosphere so we could stay with her dad and stepmom until sunday, so we just did some necessary shopping, and then Kathy dropped us of at the strip!
We had lunch with Theas dad and stepmom, Jo and Lil Tove are their name, I loved them, they were just great, so nice and they talked and were awesome!:D
After that me and Thea went up to our room to get ready for a prom we were going to that night! It was a prom Mr Frehner set us up to go to! It was a school called Indian Spring in Vegas! Me and Thea got our dresses on and everything, and got down to the cab that was gonna take us to the house where we were gonna take pictures before the prom. After that we went to the prom, it was alrite, my date was an idiot tho:D haha so shyyyyy!!! His name was Brock... After the prom we went to a movie, FastFive, and then ”dinner”... After that they took us back to the Stratosphere were we stayed, and me and Thea went for a walk to the top, 109 stories up. The elevator took us 109 stories in 30 seconds, 21 miles/hours, my ears popped!!!:D
We walked around there, and around 2:30 we went and got some chips and went to our room and watched tv!
This morning we didn´t know what time Kathy was gonna pick us up to go back to Pioche, so we woke up at like 8 and went down to Starbucks for breakfast, haha after only like 4 hours of sleep we really needed coffee!
We sat at starbucks for a while, and then we went up to the 109 story again... This time not only for looking at the view... No, we went on a thing that spinned us around over Vegas, a craaazy thing!!! 109 stories up, spinning around in the air! I felt like I was flying! After that we went on a rollercoasterish thing that went straight out in the air, and I thought I was on my way to die everytime! It was waaay scary!! I have to show all of u a video of it!
After that we went home to Pioche and played basketball with JC, after a very very very good weekend!! That I enjoyed waaay muuuch!!!!!:D
Heeeey guuuys, been a couple of days since I last updated:D
Still in California!!:D
So I guess I last updated when we just arrived to LA! In LA we saw everything, haha it was waaay cool, with Hollywood blvd, with all the stars, Beverly Hills, Belair, with all the amazing houses, Rodeo Drive!!:D I loved it all! We took like 400 pictures of the Hollywood sign, and it was just waaay cool:D.
After seeing all those things in LA we went to Santa Monica, and the Santa Monica pier! Loved that place, you know those piers they have in movies, like wood piers, with amusementparks and things on them, this one was like that!:D
After Santa Monica we went to Venice beach, and me and Francesca played some basketball, it was waay fun, but I haven´t played for weeks, so it felt kind of weird! After that we went to walmart!:D And then bed!
The day after we spent the whole day on DisneyLand! It was a lot of fun, haha you never get to old for those things!
The day after that we started our trip on Highway 1, to San Francisco! We stoped like ever mile, in Santa Barbara, and other coastplaces!
That night we stayed in Morro Bay! And we had some shopping done in Pismo Beach!
The day after that was two days ago:D We went up Highway 1, and it is sooooo pretty!!, It is like hard to explain, cuz it is like in movies!!!:D We stoped in Carmel and some other places! And that night, at like 8 pm we arrived to San Francisco! San Francisco is a weird city:D A lot of weird people... haha but waaay cool! We went down to Fisherman wharf, or whatever it is called, and ate some dinner and walked around! Then we went to the hotel, and went to bed, and when we woke up yesterday it was my moooms birthday!!!:D We just had a great day in San Francisco, we went to the Golden Gate bridge, but you barely could see it, cuz it was so foggy!
Today we are gonna see a bit more of San Francisco, and later today we are heading to Reno so we can start our trip to Pioche tomorrow:D So soon I will be back home in Pioche!:D It will be fun showing my family the big city of Pioche!:D:D:D:D:D
Vegas, San Diego, Laguna Beach, Newport, Los Angeles... Life is good
Hello everyone, sorry for a really bad update, but first I didnt have any time, and when I did have time, I vacuumed, and riped my laptop charger... so I couldnt use my laptop... suck I know!
But now I am back on track, after buying a charger at apple store in Fashion Valley San Diego!:D Yeah Babe, thaats were I am, or really now I am at a hotel in Los Angeles:D
Friday last week, we, me and my american family went to Vegas and met my Swedish family:D The first day I spent with my swedish family only, and we went shopping and ended the night at my heaven, Walmart:D The day after we went with my american family to Town Square mall in Vegas and had lunch, it was great, and a little shopping was done:D After saying good bye to my american family that had to go back to Pioche for work and school, me and my family shopped a bit more, and then we went to the strip:D We walked the strip that night for like 3 hours, it was great, and I got to see the show at Treasure Island live:D haha only seen it in Miss Congeniality before:D But now, it was a real life experience:D hahahaaha the day after we left Vegas at like noon, after taking some pictures at the Strip during the day:D Ahhh I love seeing it all, haha it is like living in the movie:D Walking into Ceasars palace, Bellagio, The Venetian, Treasure Island, Circus Circus, u name it:D It is waaaay cool:D
Well, we left Vegas for another movie:D California babe!:D
Haha, Vegas to San Diego, where we decided our first stop was going to be was suppossed to take like 4-5 hours, but since we after only like 1 hour stoped at another shoppingmall it took just a little bit longer:D. At like 7 or something that night we arrived to the hotel, we went out to get something to eat, and then we went to bed!
The day after we went to explore San Diego:D Well, first in the morning we went out running, we ran down to the beach, stayed there for a while and ran back, right down into the hotel pool, it was very very nice:D
San Diego was way cool, we walked along the water, and then we went to old town! Haha, and of course, we ended up at the mall:D San Diego Fashion Valley, it was a great mall, way nice! We only spent like an hour there, but it was still great:D
Now we are on yesterday:D haha, We left the hotel pretty early and started our trip up to L.A, but it is waaay hard to get there in like 30 min as it says on google maps, cuz there are 5000000 things to see on the way, Laguna Beach, Newport, u name it, ahhh it was soo coool!!!:D We stoped in Laguna Beach and ate at a restaurant just by the beach, and ahhh I love it:D
Then we stoped again at another place, dont remeber where, and a very very random thing happened... My dad went into a watch-store, to look at watches, like really expensive ones, and he comes ut with a baguette... hahahha:D There was a guy in there that thought it was way cool that my dad was italian, so he gave him like 2 baguettes, and then he came into the store we were in with like 10 crossaints:D hahahaha it was so weird, but yummy:D
At night we came to L.A we went downtown, and then to the hotel!
And now we are all almost ready for a day in Los Angeles:D Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Bel Air, and NBA-game:D Oh yeah babe!!!
I guess we are going to Disney Land tomorrow, will be fun!:D And then Santa Monica, and Santa Barbara, and Malibu!!!:D
And on friday we go to San Francisco!!!:D:D:D Golden Gate here I come!:D
wayyyy excited for all of this!!!:D
I have tons of pictures, but I will upload them later!:D
Oh nooo, haha I am way tired, and that means this update wont be long... Time just flew away today, or I guess I spent a lot of time cleaning my room, which was needed!:D And then I hung out with Thea, and then we met BaiHoe, Brookie and Hatty-Fnatty, and had some fun with them, before we went back to my house for a movie and some oreos and ice cream:D
And now I am to tired to write anything else, but I can almost promise I will update with some new pictures tomorrow! Cuz I do have pictures in my camera I have to download!:D
Hi guys, I just got home from a nice walk with Thea and Carli! We had a lot to talk about, and it was just a great walk! I love both those girls so much! We walked up to Tillies, got a drink, and then we sat down and talked! It was great!:D
Well, i didnt just get home, cuz i actually have had dinner since i got home! Pasta with alfredosauce, it was really good!:D
Now I am just waiting for Jc to text me so we can go to the gym and play some basketball!:D
Ok guys, so today I haven´t done anything! Or well, duh, i have done something, I went to church this morning, and then I went home, and i was gonna clean my room, but I was way bored so I skyped agnes instead, and talked to her for a couple of hours! Sooo good to talk to her again!:D Miss her a lot! she is one of my favoritparts of going to Östra Real in Stockholm!!
Right now I am sitting doing nothing, I am supposed to clean my room, but if u know me, u know that cleaning and me are not to words that should be said in the same sentence:D Oh btw, I am doing something, I am listening to music, right now Never say Never by Justin and Jaden! Love that song, I used to kind of hate justin Bieber, haha I disliked him that much that I tored my sisters picture of him in two the day before I left Sweden:D But I really like this song, it is a great song!
Later today I think I am going up to the gym to play som bball with Jc and probably Thea! looking forward to that, just hope that my room will magically clean it self!!!:( Cleaning just makes me sooo depressed!!:D:D:D
Tomorrow is school again, and practice of course! Not really looking forward to school, or yeah, cuz then I get to see some of my friends that I haven´t seen for the whole weekend, like Bailey Hoe Screwed, that is really her name!:D haha or at least her new real name! Her name used to be Bailey Jo Free, but we changed Jo to Hoe and when I asked Jc about the opposite to Free she said screwed, and that is how Baileys new name was created!:D
Today is Lovisa´s birthday, her 20th birthday, she is getting oooold!:D haha She can now buy alcohol legally!!!:D no more fake ID:s for her:D:D
Oh well, I gotta get some stuff done now, but I guess I can show some pictures!!!:D
Me Dantley and Thea at Dantleys jersey retirement!!!:D
Dantleys jersey! #30! The one and only from LCHS!
Thats right!
The prison in PIoche we went to see, I wasn´t allowed to bring my camera in...
Hahaha this is how we cooked the day we didnt have power for 8 hours:D hahahaha love it!:D
Hello guys, thought i was gonna update u fast before the bed is calling on me!
Today was a good and bad day... I woke up at like 9, took a shower and put nice clothes on, since we were going to Connors memorial at noon. I didn´t really know what to expect from the memorial... We picked up Thea and went there, me Thea, Gerri and Jordan. Connors dad, Robert, spoke first, and i started to cry like never before! His dad told us all this stories about him, like when he brought a alive bat to school! I remeber that day sooo well, he found a bat on his way to school, and brought it to school, and set it free in Mrs Lloyds room, and everyone freaked out, his dad told us that the school called him that day to complain about connor, just like they had done 1000 before that too, and his dad said he was speechless that day, cuz seriously, what kid gets the idea of bringing a living bat to school:D??!! haha connor was a one of a kind! And why I remeber this day so well, is cuz connor had to set the bat free outside, and when we got to practice the bat was hanging right outside the gym:D
A lot of people spoke, the speeches that really made me cry were his dads and Shainas, his sister... She told us all how he wasn´t only her brother, he was her best friend and hero, and it was sad, cuz some people may say that just cuz u lost ur brother, but in this case it was true, they did everything together, they shared friends... they were always together... After all the speeches we all got to write him one last message on one balloon each, that we let go up in to heaven! Oh man, that kid made me laugh so bad! Its horrible that he is gone after only 15 years!
After the memorial I went home, and i was gonna clean my room, but i wasn´t in a mode for it, so i will do it tomorrow instead, hopefully! At like 4 we ate hamburgers, and after that Thea came over for a while, we didn´t do to much and at like 6 she went to eat dinner! At like 7 Kathy JC and Thea picked me up and we went to the gym to shoot some hoops, haha both me and jc were way out of basketballshape, but it is slowly coming back, and tomorrow we are back up there!:D
After the gym we went to tillies to get a drink, and then to Tristas house for chocolatecake, it was an awesome cake! When we were done there we went to Jc:s house and watched the movie Switch, it was a really cute movie with Jennifer Aniston! Really liked it! Jc drove me home at like 1130, and now I am home writing to u guys!
But I am serious, if people don´t start comenting more, I wont write! Cuz i refuse to write for no one!:D:D:D Even tho i know i have miss besserwisser reading it pretty much every day:D
Tomorrow is church, and probably some studying... kill me:D hate it!!!!:D oh well, i will deal with it! And at night we will be back up in the gym playing some bball! oh how i love that sport!!!
My balloon letter to Connor!
People walking over to Connors seecond home, the skate parc, to release the balloons!
Balloon released!
They are almost al the way up to him!
Me and my bestest friend here Thea! I <3 u! we were both crying...:(
Three of Connors best friends, Carli, Shania and Codi!